Microsoft Office 365 vs. G Suite Productivity Suite Battle

September 30, 2021

Microsoft Office 365 vs. G Suite Productivity Suite Battle

When it comes to office productivity suites, there are two clear front-runners in the market: Microsoft Office 365 and G Suite. Both are cloud-based solutions that offer a range of tools and services for businesses, including email, document creation and collaboration, video conferencing, and cloud storage. In this blog post, we'll take a look at these two productivity suites to compare their features, pricing, pros, and cons.


Both Microsoft Office 365 and G Suite offer a range of tools and services to help businesses stay productive. Microsoft Office 365 offers popular apps such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook, as well as other software like Teams and OneDrive. G Suite provides tools like Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Gmail, and Drive.

One key difference between these two suites is that Microsoft Office 365 is generally considered more traditional desktop-style apps, while G Suite is more web-based.

Another difference is that Microsoft Office 365 offers more advanced features, such as accessibility options and data loss prevention (DLP) tools that provide additional security measures.

On the other hand, G Suite focuses more on collaboration, with real-time editing and commenting features that make teamwork easier, particularly for remote teams.


When it comes to pricing, G Suite plans offer lower costs than Microsoft Office 365. Gmail and Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides are available for free, and G Suite Basic costs $6 per user, per month. G Suite Business costs $12 per user, per month, and G Suite Enterprise costs $25 per user, per month.

Microsoft Office 365 has different plans that cater to different business needs. A Business Basic plan costs $5 per user, per month, while a Business Standard plan costs $12.50 per user, per month. Other plans include Office 365 E3, which costs $20 per user, per month, and Office 365 E5, which costs $35 per user, per month.

Pros and Cons

Microsoft Office 365


  • Advanced features, such as accessibility options and DLP tools
  • A wide range of apps, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Teams, and OneDrive.
  • Desktop app suite with a more traditional feel


  • Higher pricing compared to G Suite
  • Not as user-friendly as G Suite

G Suite


  • Web-based apps that make it easy to collaborate
  • Real-time editing and commenting features for remote teams
  • Lower pricing compared to Microsoft Office 365


  • Limited features compared to Microsoft Office 365
  • Web-based apps do not offer the same level of advanced features as desktop apps


When choosing a productivity suite, businesses should choose based on their own unique requirements. Both Microsoft Office 365 and G Suite are excellent productivity suites, but have different strengths and weaknesses.

For businesses that rely heavily on advanced features for security, data loss prevention, and user accessibility, Microsoft Office 365 is the safer option. While G Suite is more suitable for businesses that require extensive collaboration and real-time editing among remote teams.


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